Now is a good a time as any...

My Diary

Hey!! who said you could read this?!?! Meant for MY EYES ONLY! ... haha just kidding



I spent all day working on my website, it was fun but i seriously need to rest my eyes now X_X. This is my first entry! I hope i can keep up with writing, I'm so bad at keeping a journal going.

I had my driving theory test last night and I managed to pass, I'm really nervous about driving properly for the first time since i've only ever driven out in the country, but i'm so excited to be able to go wherever I want. I'll be able to go camping every weekend if i really want to.

Jordan has been away in arizona for a few days now, and my daily ritual has been completely thrown off, Whenever something changes suddenly I freeze and can barely handle the basics, I ate popcorn and drank alcoholic chocolate milk for dinner last night. This weekend I'll be able to get off my ass though, I'm going to go for a hike after work and quit moping around.

May is just wrapping up now, I've been working a lot on my paranormal reearch after work and its been a lot of fun. Jordan is back from arizona finally and his mom is staying with us for a few days. I still havent picked up my learners permit, dad keeps promising to take me and you know how that goes :/// Fishing season is finally back so i'll probably go fish off the canal soon, trying to save money for larp and camping gear but i really want a new rod. Going to see my best friend tommorow and im going to cook them dinner and we are gonna watch a spooky movie :]


It's been so stupid hot. I hate the heat. I think the heatwave is mostly over for now but i'm sure not for long. I still dont have my learner's permit paperwork for the driving test because the dumb school is only open while im at work, I'll have to get that done at some point though. Tommorow Jordan, and a friend of ours fly out to BC for a wedding. I'm excited to be a bit deeper in nature but I know i'll be surrounded by people so I'll have to perform a bit and be social, which really takes it out of me. I dropped my cats off at my moms and they seem ok, I hope they'll be happy for the week we are gone.


I havent written for a while! The wedding was fun but I got embarrasingly drunk, and cut back on my drinking lol... I ended up going back a bit later in July to Vancouver island, with my dad. We went fishing and hiking it was fun. I'm back now and getting ready to go to Bicolline! a week long larp event ive been prepping for all year, Ive also been playing lots of baldurs gate, i love it so much. D&D has been ramping up like crazy too so im in total fantasy escapism mode rn.


Back from bicolline! well I have been for a while now, but still trying to get in the swing of things, it was so much fun im meant to be a mercenary in medeival times real life feels so fake now T_T... Trying to spar lots to feel better. I had so many big adventures but im too busy to write about everything here, i wrote everything in an in character journal so i can remember it that way :] . Been playing lots of d&D, hanging out with my mom, seeing friends, all that stuff, im so happy its starting to be fall, i love the cooler weather.
